Comparative Analysis of Expressed sequence tags in Wheat, Rice, and Barley under Cold Stress
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 68
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 تیر 1402
Cold stress is one of the environmental factors limiting productivity and geographical distribution of crops. To determine functional annotation and differential gene expressions of plants under cold stress, ۳۱۲۷, ۱۱۸۸, and ۲۲۹۲ expressed sequence tags (ESTs) respectively from low temperature- treated seedlings of rice, wheat, and barley was analyzed. The ESTs from each library yielded ۱۹۹۵ (rice), ۹۵۰ (wheat), and ۱۸۳۱ (barley) unigenes. BLASTX revealed ۱۴۵۸ (rice), ۷۰۳ (wheat), and ۱۳۲۴ (barley) unigenes that had important hits in the protein database of Arabidopsis. All of the unigenes with significant hits were grouped with MapMan software. In three functional groups including photosynthesis, nucleotide metabolism, and signaling categories, a significant difference was observed between the transcripts of rice and barley under cold stress. We identified differentially expressed genes between the three plants under cold stress by assembling all of the ESTs, which resulted in ۱۱۰۱ contigs. There were ۱۲ genes identified that had significantly different expressions between the three libraries. Promoter analysis of a ۱۵۰۰-bp sequence upstream of the coding region of the candidate genes, showed a variety of regulatory elements with different roles. The existence of elements involved in various stresses in the promoter regions of candidate genes confirmed the role of these genes in stress responses. The identified genes could be putative candidates for gene manipulation to improve the cold tolerance of valuable crop plants.
Mona Sorahinobar
Alzahra University
Mona Soltani
Tarbiat Modares University
Zahra Abedi
Tarbiat Modares University