An introduction to the Approaches of Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 مرداد 1402


Language is an activity that both attracts our attention and escapes from our attention. When we look at the statements and attitudes of people, this view should not be considered as single and separate phenomena, but they should be examined in the general framework of a network of relationships, a network that constructs all these phenomena. Specifies In different periods, different features of language attracted people's attention as important features or worthy of attention. Any system that is as complex as human language is inevitably exposed to various and independent studies. It seems that there is no other way to describe or define any language except to raise the concept of linguistic rules. In linguistics, when it is claimed that language is legal, it means that language can be described in the framework of grammar . This research tries to introduce some of the approaches that have existed in the history of linguistics and have continued until now. Therefore, in order to understand the field of linguistic anthropology, we must go back to the theoretical roots in linguistics because it is not possible to know and investigate this field without knowing its background . The general framework of this research is as follows: first, a brief history of linguistics and the leaders of this science are reviewed briefly. Then we examine the origins of universal linguistics and the work of Ferdinand de SaussureA history of theoretical and practical works of the face taken At this Area particle for direct object item Check appointment we give Also, we analyze linguistic anthropology within the Boasian tradition and the relativity of linguistics in the history of linguistic-cognitive anthropology . In the following, we examine linguistic anthropology in the ۱۹۶۰s, and under the title of this branch, we examine communicative competence in performance .We follow our discussion with the field of work in linguistic anthropology. Then we discuss the new tendencies and trends in the field of linguistic anthropology. In the end, we will discuss the interests in this field.


Mohsen Zare

Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein (AS) University of Officers and Guards Training, Imam Khamenei Naval University of Nedsa