Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1402
High speed and absence of a precise control over pressure distribution confine sheet Electromagnetic Forming into a die to simple shapes having shallow depth. It is possible to reach a higher depth by using a convex punch instead of a concave die. In this study, sheet Electromagnetic Forming on a punch and sheet Electromagnetic Forming into a die are investigated. The electromagnetic part of the study is investigated analytically and its mechanical part is studied numerically. In order to couple electromagnetic with mechanical parts, no-coupling method is used. The obtained results are verified by comparing the obtained results with previous experimental ones in literature. Rate-dependent and rate-independent hardenings are taken into consideration for the mechanical behavior for material of AAl۱۰۵۰. Using appropriate hardening model for material yields acceptable results. Moreover, a convex punch instead of a concave die is used to reach to a higher depth in sheet Electromagnetic Forming.
E. Eshghi
Ferdosi university of mashhad
M Kadkhodayan
Ferdosi university of mashhad
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