Cooling rate optimization of as-cast consciously cast steel

Publish Year: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1402


Abstract: A combination of a finite element method (FEM) algorithm with ANSYS codes and post image processing of NDT ultrasonic images along with laboratory cooling experiments and microstructural analysis provide a guideline to determine the optimum cooling rate for any grade of steel in which the highest productivity can be achieved without any degradation of the cast steel products. The suggested FEM algorithm with ANSYS codes is introduced to develop a quasi real models to simulate quenching of as-cast steel with any cooling rate from any initial temperature below steel’s melting point. The algorithm builds a model which is capable to approximate the thermodynamic stresses generated by thermal strain and possible solid-solid phase transformation for as-cast steel with any chemical composition. The model is applicable for any casting geometry (slab, billet and bloom, bar, etc) and adaptable for any method of cooling (unidirectional or multidirectional). Cooling with any cooling agent can be simulated with the algorithm in an ideal case. The phase transformation of the steel in the algorithm can be controlled by Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) Diagram obtained from analytical calculation or real time-temperature-transformation experiments for the cast steel. A function for optimizing cooling rate is suggested.


Cooling rate , Optimization of production rate , Cast steel , FEM algorithm , ANSYS


Mohammad Reza Allazadeh

University of Pannonia