Martyr's message: Reminding the pluralism ofmonotheism in urban and social development
Publish place: The second international conference and the seventh national conference on architecture and sustainable city
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 70
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مرداد 1402
Every work of art has two interrelated categories “form” and “content”. “Love” isthe highest content and motivation of art; its most beautiful form is “martyrdom”on the path of the beloved. Martyrdom has two aspects: one is “blood” and theother is a “message”. For himself, the martyr's blood is both the form and thecontent; He has reached absolute unity and does not need to remember thecontent. For the survivors, his blood is the form of martyrdom, and the martyr'smessage is a reminder of this content: “We were one, let's stay one”; So, themartyr is a social person. Hosseini's funeral ceremony and Ashura are also areminder; Remembering the blood that should lead to remembering the message.The simplicity of Ta'zieh, the music, the costumes of the actors, and the simplepresence of the audience in the playing field of Remembrance, are all reasons foravoiding the dominance of the format of Ta'zieh over its content; Becauseformalism is nothing but idolatry. Prayer is also a reminder. With the “salam”recited at the end of each prayer, the person who prays invites himself to do goodwork in the direction of a single whole. The person praying reminds himself ofhis message, and the martyr reminds his survivors. In this article, whileexpressing the similarity of “reminding” in prayer and reciting prayer, which isthe end of each, a greeting and a beginning to act on the message and its content,we define and remind the pluralism of “monotheism” in contrast to the pluralismof “atheists”. We show the need to pay attention to monotheistic pluralism insocial development from the perspective of a martyr. This research, citing librarystudies, while enumerating a number of urban and social development solutionsbased on monotheism, calls out the message of Shahid as follows: urban politics,urban economy, culture and in one-word: social development is not separate frommonotheistic point of view and religion is nothing but individual and socialgrowth and perfection towards a true whole. In the end, this research deals withtoday's concerns of unfair urban development based on social classes andsuggests researches in this direction.
Vahid Sadram
Assistant Professor of Architecture, Hakim Sabzevari University