Review of the Field of Islamic Human Resource Management Research in the Country's Publications

Publish Year: 1401
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 شهریور 1402


What can be deduced from the study of well-known and cited sources in the common knowledge of human resource management, reaching this stage of "maturity" is in the cycle of one's life. So that one can clearly reach a consensus among experts in this field, regarding the main systems and branches of this knowledge. This means that over the decades, a wealth of  knowledge literature has been accumulated by researchers in this field to be able to promote this knowledge to a specific and coincidental framework. These main systems in human resource management include "job analysis and design", "human resource planning", "recruitment, selection and employment", "performance management", "payroll management", "training and development" and “End of service. In the field of organizational behavior management, we can also mention the major areas such as "employee motivation management", "leadership", "conflict management", "diversity management" and "teamwork".


اسدالله گنجعلی

Imam Sadiq University (A.S)

وحید تارویردی زاده

Imam Sadiq University (A.S)