Leadership And Violent Conflicts in the ۲۱st Century Africa

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 شهریور 1402


AbstractThis paper examined the effects of leadership on violent conflicts in Africa. Over the years Africa has been affected negatively by violent conflicts, this partly explains why Africa is still regarded as a developing continent. Violent conflicts have led to the destruction of lives and properties in many parts of Africa. Many internally displaced camps in various countries occasioned by violent conflicts no doubt have affected negatively the socio-economic and political life of the affected countries. Governments of such countries have wasted billions of their various countries’ currencies which are supposed to be used for development projects and programmes in trying to combat violent conflicts and also take care of internally displaced persons. This paper is qualitative in nature because data for it were derived from secondary sources such as text book, journals, magazines and newspapers. The data analysis methods adopted in this paper are descriptive and historical. The theoretical framework for this paper is the frustration-aggression theory. The paper recommends among others that there should be encouragement of good governance in Africa because it can go a long way in reducing violent conflicts and also promote its development.


EGUGBO Chuks Cletus

نویسنده مسئول

Ekwe Maxwell Onyebuchi

نویسنده دوم