The correlation of efficiency, effectiveness, differentiation and halal certification towards logistics performance
Publish place: International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research، Vol: 34، Issue: 3
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مهر 1402
Various of studies on firm’s performance have been performed by reserachers involving many variables as antecedents, logistics performance is one of them. Aside from significantly supporting the firm, it also identifies firm’s performance as standard to keep up in short and long-term competition. There are several types of criteria in logistics performance, however they are all only classified in three dimensions which are efficiency, effectiveness and differentiation. From the literature review, it was suggested that halal certification could affect logistics performance. This article proposes research model that integrates logistics efficiency, logistics effectiveness, logistics differentiation and halal certification as the dimensions of logistics performance. . It is expected to provide theoretical contribution by explaining causal relationship among variables and provide intact knowledge by considering the firm’s performance that is determined by dimensions of logistics performance. Literature review is applied for this research. Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that halal certification potentially could become a new dimension for logistics performance in addition to other existing three dimensions, yet it takes empirical research support strengthen this proposed model.
Qurtubi Qurtubi
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Muhammad Suyanto
Universitas Amikom
Anas Hidayat
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Elisa Kusrini
Universitas Islam Indonesia
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