Evaluation of the Melted Zone Microstructure in the Interface of the Dissimilar Weld between A۳۳۵ Low Alloy Steel and ER۳۰۹L Filler Metal by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Publish Year: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 آبان 1402
In the present study, the microstructure and mechanical properties of the dissimilar welding between ASTM A۳۳۵ low alloy steel and ER۳۰۹L austenitic stainless steel were investigated using the gas tungsten arc welding process. The welding of dissimilar materials between ASTM A۳۳۵ low alloy steel and ER۳۰۹L austenitic stainless steel was found to have a significant effect on the microstructure when the filler metal of ER۳۰۹L was used. This research also studied the effect of carbon migration from the heat-affected zone (HAZ) to the melted zone in the interface between A۳۳۵ low alloy steel and ۳۰۹L filler metal using microstructure analysis and Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) Line Scan Technique. The results showed that the solidification of ۳۰۹L as a primary ferrite exhibited a skeletal ferrite morphology and the solidification of ferritic-austenitic (FA) type. Moreover, the results of EDS provided evidence showing carbon migration from the low chromium side to the weld metal which had a higher chromium content and a tiny martensitic zone occurred in the melt boundary with a high hardness value. In the tensile test, all specimens were broken in the HAZ of A۳۳۵ low alloy base metal with a ductile fracture and the welded specimens also showed the ductile fracture in the impact test.
I. Hajiannia
Department of Materials Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad ۸۵۱۴۱-۴۳۱۳۱, Iran
M. Shamanian
Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan ۸۴۱۵۶-۸۳۱۱۱, Iran
M. Kasiri
Department of Materials Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad ۸۵۱۴۱-۴۳۱۳۱, Iran
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