Energy Use Efficiency of Strip Tillage Systems for Corn Silage Production in Middle Anatolia
Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 آبان 1402
In this study, three different strip tillage applications were used as an alternative to Conventional Tillage (CT). While Original Strip-Till (OST) machine made by the Maschio Gaspardo was used in one of the applications of the strip tillage, the other two Machines [Horizontal (MHST) and Vertical (MVST) shaft rotary Tillers] were modified and used in strip tillage. Depending on the strip tillage application used, about ۳۵–۴۰% of soil surface was tilled. For the three applications, the penetration resistance and shear stress of soil ranged from ۰.۴۵ to ۱.۹۱ MPa and from ۰.۳۶ to ۰.۴۸ N cm–۲, respectively. The energy ratio, energy productivity, specific energy, net energy gain, and energy intensiveness were calculated. There were significant differences (P< ۰.۰۱) among the treatments in terms of various energy indices and corn silage yields. In the experiments with no hoeing, the silage yield ranged from ۳,۷۱۴ to ۳,۹۵۳ kg ha–۱; whereas, with hoeing, the yield increased, ranging from ۳,۹۶۴ to ۴,۹۵۲ kg ha–۱. The average net energy gain of corn silage production with and without hoeing applied was ۱۵۶,۱۵۵.۶۸ and ۱۳۱,۰۳۷.۷۵ MJ ha–۱, respectively. Energy use efficiency was the highest in the MHST method with hoeing. As a result, in terms of energy use efficiency, MHST (Modified Horizontal shaft Strip-Till system) method with hoeing can be suggested for use in the Middle Anatolian Region.
K. Carman
Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technology Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey.
E. Cıtıl
Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technology Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey.
T. Marakoglu
Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technology Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey.
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