Application of Metal-Organic Framework containingHydroxyapatite(MOF/HAp) in Tissue Engineering to improve Bone function

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 95

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آذر 1402


Today, tissue engineering has been given much attention in order to restore damaged tissues,especially bone tissue, and improve its function. For the regeneration of bone tissue, a scaffoldwith biological and biochemical properties is needed that can have high biocompatibility andporosity that can simulate the natural bone tissue[۱].Hydroxyapatite has a chemical compositionsimilar to the mineral part of teeth and bones, which gives them properties such as hardness andstrength. On the other hand, it is possible to use the metal-organic framework (MOF), which is athree-dimensional network of metal ions connected by multidentate organic molecules, alongwith hydroxyapatite, which creates features such as increased surface area, flexibility, andstructural diversity. One of the metal-organic frameworks is zinc-based zeolite-imidazolateframework (ZIF-۸), which has small-sized particles, high specific surface area, and stable releaseperformance, and also has antibacterial properties due to the release of zinc ions, which is usefulfor tissue repair. Bone is used along with hydroxyapatite [۲,۳]. In order to prepare the desiredcomposite zinc nitrate hexahydrate, ۲-methyl imidazole(۲-MIM) and hydroxyapatite powderwere dissolved separately in methanol and after complete dissolution, they were added to eachother. Finally, after the dissolution of the sediment was complete formed was used as the desiredcomposite.considering this issue, in this study, a metal-organic framework composite containinghydroxyapatite was successfully synthesized and characterized for potentialapplications. Structural and crystalline characteristics of synthesized composite were evaluatedusing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The peaks inthe FTIR spectrum proved the presence of Hap on MOF. Morphological investigationusingscanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that the average particle size is⁓۲۰.۳nm, andthe elemental composition of synthesized product by EDS analysis exhibits the presence ofZn,N,P,Ca,O and H atoms, confirming the successful synthesized. The results showed that theuse of composite containing MOF/Hap has a potential application in improving bone tissue


A Golestani

Department of Textile Engineering,Yazd University, Yazd, P.O. Box ۸۹۱۹۵-۷۴۱, Iran

M Hasanzadeh

Department of Textile Engineering,Yazd University, Yazd, P.O. Box ۸۹۱۹۵-۷۴۱, Iran


Department of Textile Engineering,Yazd University, Yazd, P.O. Box ۸۹۱۹۵-۷۴۱, Iran