Giant Pseudopolyp as a Cause of Life-Threatening Anemia and Colocolic Intussusception in an Infant: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 68

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 آذر 1402


Introduction: Ileocolic intussusceptions and colonic pseudopolyps are well known entities in childhood. Intussusception appears within the first year of life, while pseudopolyps appear in preschool children. In contrast, colocolic intussusception is very rare in infants. Case Presentation: A ۵-month-old male infant was admitted to our hospital, with severe anemia and episodes of colicky abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasound examination revealed an intussusception. As ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction achieved partial reduction, emergency laparotomy was performed, showing a narrow-based polyp, as a lead point of a colocolic intussusception. Conclusions: In contrast to ileocolic intussusception, colocolic intussusceptions usually occur in adults or in late childhood. A solid colonic pseudopolyp, serving as a lead point for colocolic intussusception in an infant, has not been described so far.


Guido Engelmann

Department of Pediatrics, Lukas Hospital, Neuss, Germany

Jamany Quader

Department of Pediatrics, Lukas Hospital, Neuss, Germany

Anke Esser

Department of Pediatrics, Lukas Hospital, Neuss, Germany

Karin Lawrenz

Department of Pediatric Surgery, Helios Clinic Krefeld, Krefeld, Germany