Genome expression profiling of the human brain affected by Mirtazapine through transcriptomics data analysis

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 آذر 1402


Mirtazapine is an antidepressant drug that improves mood by blocking alpha-۲, HT۲A-۵, and HT۲C-۵ adrenergic receptors. In this research, the expression profile of the human brain genome under the influence of Mirtazapine is investigated through the analysis of expression data (transcriptomics). In the biomolecular field, gene expression profiling measures the activity of thousands of genes simultaneously to create an image from the function of the cell. This profile can determine how a cell responds to treatment. This study used the available data in valid databases such as GEO datasets. In this regard, we analyzed the genome of people after taking different doses of Mirtazapine by Bioconductor in R software. According to the final results, the most important genes that have changed expression levels by mirtazapine treatment and have played a central role in the recovery of patients are the MDM۲ (mouse double minute ۲), CCND۱ (Cyclin D۱), and MYCN (MYCN proto-oncogene). These genes are involved in essential pathways such as glioma formation, regulating the cell cycle, metabolic pathways, proliferation, and retinoblastoma protein activation. The Nitric Oxide Synthase ۲ (NOS۲) gene, along with Peptide Deformylase (PDFA) and Early Growth Response ۱ (EGR۱) genes, helps to prevent depression, where the expression of all three genes has increased by the use of Mirtazapine. Upregulation of the RUNX۱ (RUNX Family Transcription Factor ۱) gene plays a role in the forebrain transcription repressor pathway. In the down-regulated genes group, BAIAP۲ (BAR/IMD Domain Containing Adaptor Protein ۲) gene involves stress fiber formation, brain angiogenesis, and brain tumor formation with P۵۳ protein in response to stress. NR۴A۲ gene mutation in this gene is involved in Parkinson’s disorders, schizophrenia, depression, and madness. COL۱A۱ gene is involved in related pathways in depression and mood disorders, and TBX۳ and STAT۲ genes are involved in stress-related signaling.



Zeynab Aghaie

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran

Reza Mohammadi

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran