Development of a New Method in Exergy Analysis of a CSP Plant
Publish place: Renewable Energy Research and Applications، Vol: 5، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 133
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 آذر 1402
In this paper, it is determined exactly how much of the loss of exergy in a specify component is concerning the own component and how much of the exergy loss is due to the effects of the rest of the components on that component. In this new method of exergy analysis, at first, the exergy loss in a component is classified as avoid. /unavoid categories. With this classification, it is possible to understand what quantity of the exergy loss of a component is eliminated by optimizing that component and how much of the exergy dissipation can never be eliminated and is related to the nature of the component. In the next classification, by categorizing the exergy loss into endo./exo., we can find out how much of the exergy destruction is due to the non-optimality of other components and has nothing to do with the component itself. Finally, the categories are divided into avoid-endo, unavoid-endo, avoid-exo and avoid-enxo. By performing this new method, the results demonstrate that the highest exergy destruction (۱.۹۷۶ MW) happens in the evaporator, ۶۸% of which is unavoid-endo. exergy loss. The highest avoid. exergy loss relates to low pressure turbine (۰.۵۷۹۱ MW). It is shown that optimizing of surrounding components of deaerator, economizers, and evaporators has a greater effect on decreasing the exergy dissipation of these own components, and the most Avoid. exergy destruction is in heat exchangers, pumps, condensers, turbines, expansion valves, reheaters, and superheaters.
Moslem Akbari Vakilabadi
Faculty of Naval Aviation, Malek Ashtar University of technology, Iran.
Sadegh Nikbakht Naserabad
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
Alireza Binesh
Faculty of Naval Aviation, Malek Ashtar University of technology, Iran.
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