Investigating liver-specific genes by mesenchymal and liver stem cells inculture conditions
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 دی 1402
Today, cell therapy is an accepted method in tissue treatment and repair. Theplasticity of adult stem cells, including mesenchymal stem cells, has enabled themto treat many diseases such as liver diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells are aninteresting source of cells for therapeutic applications due to their differentiationand proliferative power. Mesenchymal stem cells exist in various tissues, such asbone marrow, and have the ability to differentiate into various tissues, includingliver tissue cells (hepatocytes). Our aim in this research is to investigate theindicators of liver cell function and the expression of liver genes in mesenchymalstem cells and hepatocytes in culture conditions. Bone marrow mesenchymalstem cells were isolated from the femur and tibia of rats and cultured in MEM-,DMEM, RPMI media. . Also, hepatocytes were separated from liver tissue andcultured in DMEM medium. The expression of liver genes such as alphafetoprotein,albumin, cytokeratin ۱۸, cytokeratin ۱۹ was measured at the mRNAlevel and by RT-PCR technique in cell passages ۱ and ۲. Other liver cell functionssuch as albumin and urea synthesis and glycogen storage were also measured inmesenchymal cells. In the culture conditions, bone marrow mesenchymal stemcells and liver hepatocytes, specific functions of the liver such as albumin, ureasynthesis, glycogen storage and the expression of some genes Hepatic showed.In addition, the protein profile of mesenchymal stem cells also showed a greatsimilarity with hepatocytes. These results show that mesenchymal stem cellsshowed some functional indicators of the liver and could be a valuable source fortransplantation of adult stem cells in liver repair.