Satisfaction with gender identity and factors affecting it
Publish place: The 11th International Conference on New Researches in Psychology, Social Sciences, Educational and Educational Sciences
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 دی 1402
Our society is transitioning from the agricultural stageto the industrial setting. This process started about a hundredyears ago and will probably continue for several decades.Therefore, we live in a context where conditions, thoughts, andbeliefs are changing rapidly, and it seems that throughout history,it has always been these men who give the meaning of everythingto the same thing and define it. Patriarchy of women who arebiologically less capable than men and their body is her destiny.The current research method is based on the "examination ofsatisfaction with gender identity and the factors affecting it" interms of practical purpose, descriptive and researchmethodology, and survey data collection; the research tool is aquestionnaire and in terms of duration. Time is intermittent. Thestatistical population is female students of Khayyam University,۱۰۰ of whom were randomly selected. The sampling method is arandom type. In this method, the researcher can take a samplefrom the general people if the complete list of people in the studiedsociety is unavailable. In the analyses carried out, there aresignificant relationships between research indicators such asidentification with the opposite sex, deprivation of women toachieve their goals and desires, discrimination between boys andgirls in the family, adherence to religious norms, belief in thepatriarchal system, satisfaction with the work environment andthe existence of strictness. It was observed in the family with theindex of satisfaction with gender identity. Therefore, theseindicators can be mentioned as influencing factors on satisfactionwith gender identity.
Sarah Mahmoudi
Khayyam University of MashhadMashhad, Iran
Ali Asghar Mousavi
Khayyam University of MashhadMashhad, Iran