Human Perfection from the Perspective of Ibn Arabi's Mysticism and Theravada Buddhism Mysticism
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 اسفند 1402
SUBJECT & OBJECTIVES: This research explored the concept of human perfection through the lenses of Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism and Theravada Buddhism Mysticism. The aim was to create a dialogue between Buddhism and Ibn Arabi's mysticism, and to shed light on the similarities and differences in their perspectives on human perfection.METHOD & FINDING: This research presented a comparative research study of the profound mystical teachings of Ibn Arabi, a renowned Sufi mystic, and Theravada Buddhism, the oldest existing school of Buddhism. The study examined the nature of self, the significance of the spiritual journey, and the role of love in both traditions. This study found that in the approach of the perfect human from Ibn Arabi's viewpoint, a individual achieves unity with the divine; While Theravada Buddhism seeks human perfection through the attainment of the Arhat, a liberated being free from suffering and ignorance.CONCLUSION: The study offered a comprehensive understanding of human perfection from Ibn Arabi's and Buddhist mystical perspectives, and revealed that both traditions challenge the conventional understanding of self and advocate for a transcendent perspective that seeks to realize the ultimate reality of existence. The study also showed that both traditions have different metaphysical and ontological assumptions, as well as different methods and practices of meditation and contemplation. Finally, concluded that the comparative study of Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism and Theravada Buddhism Mysticism can enhance dialogue and understanding, as well as provide insights into the nature of human existence.
Dr. Ali Jafari (Iran)
Assistant Prof. in Department of Islamic Studies, School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran (Corresponding Author)
Mohammad Emil (Indonesia)
Department of German Language, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Makassar State University, Makassar, Indonesia, and MA Student in Ethics Philosophy
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