Comparative study of the legislative mechanisms of countries regarding cybercrimes in international documents

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: Persian
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 فروردین 1403


With the development and evolution of the Internet, Cybercrimes have also increased at the international level. Cybercrimes in the cyber space are considered as an acute and very important problem in most countries of the world and governments are trying to find different solutions to prevent its occurrence. Currently, cybercrimes are committed in various forms, including: cyber fraud, cyber espionage, misuse of telephone networks, misuse of credit cards, intrusion into other computers, and money laundering. Crimes against the confidentiality of data and computer systems as crimes that invade the privacy of individuals and cause the loss of confidentiality of data and computer systems, can be examined in parallel with the design of domestic law in the realm of international documents. The legislative mechanisms of the countries in the international documents are such that they consider the cooperation and commitment of all countries in the form of bilateral or multilateral treaties as a prerequisite to deal with cybercrimes. In the event of a criminal offense in cyberspace, in terms of the criminal justice procedure being determined in a treaty, all the participating countries must have effective internal and external control over the crime based on a single principle. This article, with a descriptive and analytical approach, examines the legislative mechanisms of countries regarding cybercrimes in international documents.


Ali Zallaghi

Department of Law, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran