Impact of Brand Origin Country Perception on Brand Equity among Sports Products Consumers
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 فروردین 1403
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of brand origin country perception on brand equity among sports products consumers in Isfahan city. This research was practical and causal-co relational. The statistical sample included all consumers of sporting products, who used one of the sports product brands in ۲۰۲۲. Since the number of participants in the statistical population was not known at the time of the study, ۴۲۳ people were selected as the sample by stratified random sampling method based on geography. Two standard questionnaires were used to collect data; the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the Brand origin country perception of Roth & Rome was ۰.۷۶, and the Consumer-Based Brand Equity of Aaker was ۰.۷۸. Both questionnaires were found to be valid and reliable. The data was then looked at using statistical tests like Structural Equation Model (SEM), SPSS software version ۲۳, and Lisrel. Customer-based brand equity components, such as perception of quality and brand awareness, as well as brand loyalty and brand associations, have a positive and significant impact on how sports product consumers perceive the Brand origin country. Out of the components, brand loyalty had the strongest relationship, while brand association had the weakest relationship. Generally speaking, the brand equity also has a significant impact on consumers’ perception of the sports product in the Brand country of origin. As a result, sports companies’ managers and marketers should create a well-thought-out strategy to enhance brand equity and create an appropriate original brand identity in consumers’ minds so that they can acquire more market share in the market of sports products.
Davood Nasr Esfahani
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
hengameh shams
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
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