The Relationship between the Average Annual Temperature of Different Countries and the Rate of Infection and Mortality Due to Covid-۱۹ Infection
Publish place: Eurasian Journal of Science and Technology، Vol: 4، Issue: 3
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اردیبهشت 1403
In summary, this study investigated the relationship between climate, COVID-۱۹ transmission and mortality rates. The results showed that countries with colder climates have higher infection and mortality rates. This could be due to factors such as increased time spent indoors during the winter and less outdoor activity in cold conditions. On the other hand, warmer temperatures and higher humidity were associated with lower transmission rates of COVID-۱۹. In contrast, colder temperatures and lower humidity may favor the spread of the virus. In addition, air pollution was found to worsen COVID-۱۹ transmission and mortality rates, possibly due to its effects on respiratory health and immune function. These findings highlight the complicated relationship between climate, air pollution, COVID-۱۹ transmission, and mortality rates. We also point out that various factors must be taken into account to understand the COVID-۱۹ dynamics in different climatic and environmental conditions.
Roohallah Yousefi
Research Affairs, Behbahan Faculty of Medical Sciences, Behbahan, Iran
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