Strategy applied in translation of taboo words in English movies into Persian

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 55

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 تیر 1403


The term taboo language pertains to words and phrases that are incongruous with the culturalnorms of society. This article specifically discusses the various forms of taboos depicted in mytelevision series, Bojack Horseman. The objective of this essay and data collecting is to ascertainthe translation of different sorts of taboos and identify what is considered taboo. To accomplishthis objective, we initially selected a precise definition of taboo, followed by selecting a movie orseries. We next identified the taboos within the chosen media and recorded them, along with theircorresponding translations, in a table. Subsequently, we documented the tactics employed by eachindividual, subsequently identifying the least and most effective strategies. Additionally, pleaseinclude Baker’s theory as a means of examining translation strategy. The outcome of the data is asfollows: ۳۱% of the strategy is preserved, ۲۶% of the strategy is reduced, ۳۴% of the strategy isincreased, ۵% of the strategy is neutralized, and ۴% of the strategy is omitted. Indicating that theOmitted approach has been employed to the smallest extent


Maede shahraki

BA, English language teaching, Farhangiyan University,Zahedan, Iran