A New Initiative for Converging Technologies to Assess Human’s Combinatorial Tracking Mechanisms and Launch Customized Human Cognome Project: A Globally Derived Composite Approach
Publish place: The first international conference of psychology, educational sciences and social sciences in humanities
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 تیر 1403
Converging technologies has made a major breakthrough in human mental/physical wellbeing, humanization, productivity, and welfare. To design biological and non-biological intelligent models, both computational intelligence (CI) and physical intelligence (PI) should be converged. The aim of this study is to assess individual’s (non)-cognitive, intellectual and physical potentials and later propose a multidisciplinary approach to enhance the structure, functions, and potentials of the human mind. Data were yielded from ۱۶۱ participants administered in the eight different public and private sectors in three cities in Iran. The researcher used the QUAN sampling strategy in which a non-probability quantitative sampling was used. The researcher gathered data using (non)-cognitive tests, physical tests, and a hematology test. Analyses were performed using SPSS software version ۲۵.۰. The method of analysis was statistical, interpretive and meta-inferential. Based on the results, the normalization paradigms and cognitive system modeling were designed. Findings revealed that individuals are cognitively individuated due to self-organization, sporadically/spatially separable neuron dimensions, etc. Interference was hierarchically seen in working memory, attention and semantic memory; thus, working memory was like a nemesis. The standard deviation (SD) of delayed recall was higher than automatic hippocampal recall which reveals that the subjects were more heterogeneous in delayed recall. ۵۴% of the subjects were linear decision makers. Depressed participants (۳۱%) got stuck in sub-incremental curve (valley of disappointment) and experienced an extended period of time. The dynamics of multilateral sensations and sensory-discriminative perception can best define CI, PI and PI enablers. A new initiative for converging technologies (CT) calls for the customized augmentation of human intelligence, creativity, genomes, etc. The reverse engineering of the human brain and cognitive system modeling can ideally design both biological and artificial intelligence (BI/AI) models.
Behzad Nasirpour
PhD.ISTA General Technology Company, Shiraz, Iran