National implementation of international humanitarian law; a case study of the Islamic Republic of Iran as Islamic-Pattern-State

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 54

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 تیر 1403


Humanitarian law is an important branch of international law that has established regulations regarding the behavior of warring parties during war. These regulations have provided restrictions or prohibitions regarding the use of weapons during war. It supports civilians or those who are unable to continue the war, such as the wounded and wounded. Monotheistic religions have had teachings on the behavior of participants in war since the past centuries and have called people to avoid violence. The important issue in this field is the implementation of regulations at the national level. In this research, in a descriptive and analytical way, first, the legal foundations of the commitment of governments to implement humanitarian regulations are examined from the perspective of international law. Then, the common mechanisms for implementation in this The documents have been explained and the situation of the implementation of humanitarian rights in Iran has been explained. Considering the occurrence of numerous wars around Iran, there is no doubt about the importance and necessity of this research. In addition, considering the Islamic approach to conflicts in Iran and the commitment The Islamic system has Islamic support for the implementation of Islamic laws regarding the time of war, the national implementation of humanitarian rights in Iran. However, it seems that in line with these Islamic obligations as well as legal obligations arising from international humanitarian regulations, it is still necessary to teach humanitarian rights regarding wartime at the levels of universities, seminaries, armed forces and general society


" , humanitarian law" , national implementation of humanitarian law" , , " , Islam and humanitarian law" , Geneva Conventions" , , " , Iran and humanitarian law"


Golamali Ghasemi

International law Department ,faculty of law, Qom university ,Qom ,IRAN ,,