Visual analysis of Modern Graphic designs about Environmentalissues (Case Study: artworks by:Olafur Eliasson)

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 مرداد 1403


In the last two decades, environmental concerns have risen due to the withdrawal ofmajor powers from climate agreements and other related incidents. This hasdisrupted the balance of the ecosystem, transitioning it from a complex system to achaotic one with numerous self-reinforcing variables.While politicians and industrialleaders bear significant responsibility in preserving the environment, artists, asmembers of the progressive and intellectual class, also play a crucial role.Oneimportant contribution that environmental artists can make is reimagining ourrelationship with nature.Through projects that engage with the environment, theseartists challenge the notion of human superiority and dominance over nature,reminding us of our connection to the natural world and the importance of respectingand protecting it. This research focuses on two highly effective art disciplines,modern graphics and ecological art (also known as environmental art), as avenuesfor drawing attention to environmental preservation through visualcommunication.The goal is to mitigate some of the harm caused to the environment.To achieve this objective, The study focuses on Olafur Eliasson's works, analyzingthe elements, tools, and materials employed in his artworks and evaluating themessage and effectiveness of these pieces on the audience. By a qualitativeapproach, this descriptive-analytical research examines a sample population of seven۲artworks by Eliasson, specifically within the realms of Environmental art and theenvironment. The analysis of these works involves understanding the visualelements and delving into theoretical discussions to comprehend their significance.


Shadi Sadat kayvani

Faculty of Art, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Tehran,iran

Parnaz Goodarzparvari

Faculty of Art, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Tehran,iran

Maryam Goodarzparvari

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning,semnan university,Semnan, iran