Enhancing Cargo Operations Efficiency A KPI-Driven Approach in the Airline Industry

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1403


In the dynamic realm of the airline industry, optimizing cargo operationsemerges as a critical challenge, necessitating a strategic approach tomanagement. This research delves into the utilization of Key PerformanceIndicators (KPIs) as a fundamental tool for enhancing the efficiency,financial performance, customer satisfaction, safety, compliance, andsustainability of airline cargo operations. Employing a mixed-methodsapproach, the study combines quantitative analysis of cargo operationsdata with qualitative insights from industry experts, offering acomprehensive view of the strategic significance of KPIs. The findingsilluminate the pivotal role of specific KPIs in driving operationalimprovements, revealing that a strategic, data-driven approach to KPImanagement is essential for navigating the complexities of global cargologistics. This research not only bridges the gap between theoreticalframeworks and practical application but also sets a foundation for futureinvestigations into the evolving challenges within the airline cargoindustry. By highlighting the necessity of a comprehensive KPI-drivenmanagement strategy, the study provides a blueprint for cargo operationsdirectors seeking to optimize operations, enhance competitiveness, andmeet the increasing demands of global trade and environmentalsustainability. The insights from this study are poised to contributesignificantly to the discourse on performance measurement and strategicmanagement in the airline cargo sector, offering a guiding framework forfuture advancements.


Seyyed AbdolHojjat Moghadas Nian

Tarbiat Modares University

Zeinab Sadat Serki

Payame Noor University