A Review of Vehicle-to-Grid (V۲G) Technology as a Solution to Increasing Renewable Integration and Electrification

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 432

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1403


This research reviews the challenges and opportunities of higher integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and higher demand for electricity (due to electrification, especially in transportation system) into the power system, focusing on Vehicle-to-Grid (V۲G) technology as a holistic solution to challenges. The essay initially evaluates the swift transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, focusing on environmental impacts, grid challenges, and solutions. It discusses the benefits and environmental impacts of various renewable sources, emphasizing the need for circular economy approaches. Some barriers hindering higher renewable energy penetration in power grids are reviewed. These barriers include loss of inertia and variability and uncertainty in generation. Some common solutions to these challenges such as energy storage deployment and decentralization has been assessed. The essay then examines the global embrace of electrification, particularly in the transportation sector. It discusses the potential impact on electricity demand, installation capacity, and the role of renewable sources. A review of environmental impacts, cost considerations, and the transformative role of vehicle-to-grid (V۲G) technology in supporting electrification in transportation system is presented. The essay finally presents a case study on the challenges posed by the growing adoption of electric vehicles. Substantial increase in electricity demand has been projected, necessitating significant investments in grid infrastructure. Need for actions to address the impending surge in EVs demand has been highlighted, emphasizing the role of V۲G technology in optimizing grid use and enhancing sustainability. Despite challenges, the essay concludes on an optimistic note, projecting a promising future for V۲G .technology


Renewable Energy Transition , Electrification and Electric Vehicles , Vehicle-to-Grid (V۲G) Technology


Ali Tasavvori

Sharif University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department

MohamadTaghi Ahmadian

Sharif University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department