Psychological Analysis of Religious Indexes Effective on Health According to the Holy Quran
Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1403
Introduction: In spite of many theoretical developments, spiritual and ideological aspects of health have been neglected in most human health promotional programs. Questions and ambiguities regarding the manner of effect of these ideological indexes on individuals’ health and well-being necessitate the performance of new researches. Thus, this research was conducted with the aim to explain psychologically the religious indexes which are effective on health according to the Holy Quran. Method: The present research was a qualitative study. Data analysis was performed through content analysis method. In this study, the spiritual and religious indexes of faith, mentioning god, and patience which are effective on individual health were extracted from the Quran, and then, analyzed psychologically through interpretative approach. In addition to using the Quran, and religious and scientific sources, the opinions of some university and religious school professors were also used. Moreover, through interviews with ۳۰ hospitalized patients and ۵ nurses, the role of religious beliefs in patients’ relaxation and health were studied. Results: Quran&#۳۹;s teachings are comprehensive in achieving and promoting human health. The Quran presents ideological and spiritual indexes such as faith in God, praise of God, patience, trust in God, repentance, and etc., which have positive preventive and remedial effects, in the form of a comprehensive and promising culture. However, many researches are needed to clarify the comprehensive and pervasive view of the Quran in promotion of health and quality of life. Conclusion: Based on the findings, we can claim that health aspects and the way to achieve them in their physical, spiritual, social, and psychological form are clarified in the Quran. Based on these findings, the psychological model of health achievement from the view point of the Quran was designed by the researcher.
Arastu Bakhshaliyev
Baku State University
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