How the Lack of Social Support Affects Young Women's Risky Sexual Behaviors? A Qualitative Study
Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1403
Introduction: Risky sexual behavior is a great threat for youth&#۳۹;s health. Youth are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases more than any other groups. This study was designed to explore the role of lack of social support on young women&#۳۹;s risky sexual behaviors. Method: In this qualitative inquiry, we recruited ۷۲ young women aged ۱۸ to ۳۵ years. Data were collected using focus group discussions (۷) and individual interviews (۱۲) during ۲۰۱۲. Content analysis (Graneheim and Lundman&#۳۹;s approach) was applied to analyze the data. Multiple data collection methods, maximum variation sampling, and external check were used to enhance the dependability and credibility of the data. Results: Four main themes were emerged from analyzing the data including "emotional umbrella", "support services", "social adherence", and "informational support". Informational support had two subclasses as "dysfunctional sexual education" and "lack of sexual education". Emotional umbrella included two subclass, "boyfriends love" and "absence of family emotion". Participants believed that their boyfriend&#۳۹;s emotional support and lack of familial support were important emotional factors in their involvement in risky sexual behaviors. They reported they did not have access to sexual health services and education. In addition, provided limited sexuality education did not have a good quality. Conclusion: Participants believed that different types of social support affect their involvement in risky sexual behavior. The results can be helpful to design some centers in order to support young women and provide sexual health consult.
Azam Rahmani
Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Ceter, Tehran University of Medical Science,Tehran, Iran
Effat Merghati-Khoei
Sexologist PhD, Iranian National Center of Addiction Studies (INCAS); the Risk Behaviour Institution. Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Lida Moghadam -Banaem
Department of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Narges Sadeghi
PH.D Nursing, Nursing and Midwifery faculty,Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran
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