Impact of Smoking on Speed and Coordination of Upper Limb Movement

Publish Year: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 30

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 مرداد 1403


Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of smoking on speed and coordination of upper-limb movement. Methods: A total of ۶۲ healthy, young individuals were randomly selected for participation in this study. Out of total subjects, ۳۱ were smokers with a mean age ۲۰.۸۴ years and ۳۱ were non-smokers with a mean age ۱۹.۹۷ years and placed in group A and group B, respectively. Plate taping test was administered to all the subjects to determine their speed and coordination of upper limb. Findings: Student’s t-test was applied between both groups to see the difference in their plate taping test’s time; its t-value was ۵.۰۳. Conclusion: Statistical significant difference was seen between both the groups in the result of plate taping test, which suggests that smoking can affect the speed and coordination of upper limb in a negative way and cause its deterioration. Therefore, immediate quitting from smoking is of high value and requirements to have a good speed and coordination of upper-limb movements.


Neeraj Kumar ‎

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Saaii College of Medical Science and ‎Technology, Kanpur, India‎

Madiha Khan ‎ Khan ‎

BPT Student, Department of Physiotherapy, Saaii College of Medical Science and Technology, Kanpur, India

Namrata Singh ‎

BPT Student, Department of Physiotherapy, Saaii College of Medical Science and Technology, Kanpur, India

Setpal Singh ‎

BPT Student, Department of Physiotherapy, Saaii College of Medical Science and Technology, Kanpur, India