Analysis of sports pathology and investigation of sports injuries

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 مرداد 1403


Sports pathology is a science that examines injuries and damages caused by various physicalactivities. These injuries include: injuries and destruction of the soft tissues of the body such asnerve, muscle or other tissues such as ligaments, meniscus, bones, etc. Corrective movements arealso one of the sports sciences whose purpose is to prevent and eliminate some physicalabnormalities through physical exercises. Sports injuries are caused by severe impacts or excessivestretching during sports. Sports can cause problems to bones or soft tissue (ligaments, muscles andtendons) or both. Contrary to what people think, children with immature reactions, inability torecognize and avoid danger, and low ability to coordinate movements, are very More than adultsare exposed to sports injuries. Undoubtedly, during sports, especially professional sports, injuriesand injuries may be inflicted on athletes, which can be prevented with prevention and necessarymeasures, or with early treatments, from The injury prevented the athlete to return to his originalstate as quickly as possible and resume training. Sports pathology includes all these cases, includingprevention, control and identification of injuries and ways to treat and recover them faster. In thearticle on sports injuries And how to prevent them is discussed.


Mohsen Abbasi

Ph.D. student of physical education majoring in sports physiology, Bojnord Azad University