Machine Learning Model for Reduction of Airborne Infections and Cognitive Load in a Car Cabin Service Unavailable

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 37

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 مرداد 1403


The importance of medical care has grown massively, making it one of life's most essential components. People often use their vehicles in recirculation mode to provide optimum cooling in many cities with high air humidity and temperatures. On the other side, the recirculation mode of the cabin's air prevents O۲ from entering and causes a rise in CO۲. Increased health concerns, a decline in focus, and poor performance are all related to the increased CO۲ concentration brought on by human exhale and metabolism. The paper describes an experimental investigation on how carbon dioxide builds up in a car's interior as a result of metabolism and breathing by passengers; specific levels of this gas may be dangerous for everyone inside, especially drivers. It is critical to maintain cabin concentration levels within the authorized limits since inhaling this gas may impair a driver's ability to make intelligent decisions. Opening the cabin windows may be a practical, easy, and affordable way to do this. Opening the cabin windows, though might always make it less comfortable inside. As a response, given model passengers can temporarily open the windows may significantly affect how much CO۲ is present within the cabin. Using Our MVPR machine learning model and we demonstrate a GUI Framework, that can predict the forecast of CO۲ concentrations in a cabin at a particular time, temperature, and relative humidity to avoid negative health impacts caused by CO۲ gas.The importance of medical care has grown massively, making it one of life's most essential components. People often use their vehicles in recirculation mode to provide optimum cooling in many cities with high air humidity and temperatures. On the other side, the recirculation mode of the cabin's air prevents O۲ from entering and causes a rise in CO۲. Increased health concerns, a decline in focus, and poor performance are all related to the increased CO۲ concentration brought on by human exhale and metabolism. The paper describes an experimental investigation on how carbon dioxide builds up in a car's interior as a result of metabolism and breathing by passengers; specific levels of this gas may be dangerous for everyone inside, especially drivers. It is critical to maintain cabin concentration levels within the authorized limits since inhaling this gas may impair a driver's ability to make intelligent decisions. Opening the cabin windows may be a practical, easy, and affordable way to do this. Opening the cabin windows, though might always make it less comfortable inside. As a response, given model passengers can temporarily open the windows may significantly affect how much CO۲ is present within the cabin. Using Our MVPR machine learning model and we demonstrate a GUI Framework, that can predict the forecast of CO۲ concentrations in a cabin at a particular time, temperature, and relative humidity to avoid negative health impacts caused by CO۲ gas.


Bankapalli Vamsi

Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Aasritha Bommadevara

Department of Instrumentation and control engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Vanam Nagasri

Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Tharun Tejavath

Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

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