Interdisciplinary Studies in Society, Law, and Politics: Chief Editor’s Note on the Journal Launching

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 43

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توضیح: معمولا کلیه مقالاتی که کمتر از ۵ صفحه باشند در پایگاه سیویلیکا اصل Paper (فول تکست) محسوب نمی شوند و فقط کاربران عضو بدون کسر اعتبار می توانند فایل آنها را دریافت نمایند.

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 مرداد 1403


As the Editor-in-Chief of Interdisciplinary Studies in Society, Law, and Politics (ISSLP), I am both honored and excited to introduce the inaugural issue of this groundbreaking academic journal. This moment marks the culmination of extensive planning, collaboration, and vision to create a platform that not only bridges but also navigates the complexities and intersections of these three crucial areas of study. Our mission is to foster a comprehensive understanding and dialogue across disciplines, addressing some of the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing our global society today. The launch of ISSLP is not just the introduction of a new journal but the birth of a new discourse community. We are committed to supporting our contributors and readers through rigorous peer review, constructive feedback, and a commitment to open access. By doing so, we aim to ensure that the research we publish is not only of the highest academic quality but also accessible to a global audience, free from the barriers of subscription fees. As we look to the future, we envision ISSLP becoming a leading voice in interdisciplinary studies, one that not only reflects the current state of research but also pushes the boundaries of what is possible. We are excited about the potential of this journal to inspire new questions, methodologies, and collaborations that will deepen our understanding of society, politics, and laws. Finally, I extend my heartfelt invitation to scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to join us in this exciting journey. Together, we can build a body of knowledge that not only advances academic discourse but also contributes to the betterment of societies around the globe. Welcome to Interdisciplinary Studies in Society, Law, and Politics. As the Editor-in-Chief of Interdisciplinary Studies in Society, Law, and Politics (ISSLP), I am both honored and excited to introduce the inaugural issue of this groundbreaking academic journal. This moment marks the culmination of extensive planning, collaboration, and vision to create a platform that not only bridges but also navigates the complexities and intersections of these three crucial areas of study. Our mission is to foster a comprehensive understanding and dialogue across disciplines, addressing some of the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing our global society today. The launch of ISSLP is not just the introduction of a new journal but the birth of a new discourse community. We are committed to supporting our contributors and readers through rigorous peer review, constructive feedback, and a commitment to open access. By doing so, we aim to ensure that the research we publish is not only of the highest academic quality but also accessible to a global audience, free from the barriers of subscription fees. As we look to the future, we envision ISSLP becoming a leading voice in interdisciplinary studies, one that not only reflects the current state of research but also pushes the boundaries of what is possible. We are excited about the potential of this journal to inspire new questions, methodologies, and collaborations that will deepen our understanding of society, politics, and laws. Finally, I extend my heartfelt invitation to scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to join us in this exciting journey. Together, we can build a body of knowledge that not only advances academic discourse but also contributes to the betterment of societies around the globe. Welcome to Interdisciplinary Studies in Society, Law, and Politics.