An overview of the catalytic properties of metal-organic frameworks and their applications in organic reactions, polymer synthesis and biodiesel production

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 شهریور 1403


Anticipation of the reduction of environmental pollution and achieving renewable fuels, leads to paying outstanding attention to biodiesel production. Biodiesel, which is referred to as renewable fuel, is obtained as a product of esterification of vegetable oils, food waste oil, animal fat, algae, etc. One of the most important factors in the production of biodiesel is the characteristic of the utilized catalysts. Several acidic and basic catalysts have been recognized for the synthesis of biodiesels with dissimilar active site dispersity and catalytic stability. Metal-organic frameworks, which are expanding as new catalysts with multiple capabilities, are being used in various industries. These catalysts have unique properties such as high porosity, high active specific surface, etc., which leads to their remarkable efficiency. In this study, the discussion focused on the use of metal-organic frameworks for biodiesel production, as well as the recent reports on the use of chromium metal-organic frameworks (Cr-MOFs), cobalt metal-organic frameworks (Co-MOFs), copper metal-organic framework (Cu-MOFs), and zirconium metal-organic frameworks (Zr-MOFs) as acid catalysts.


Mohammadreza Moghaddam-manesh

Chemistry and Petrochemistry Research Center, Standard Research Institute, Karaj, Iran

Nooshin Gholipour Zanjani

Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Standard Research Instiute