Evaluate factors affecting the improvement of banking operations (Case study: Maskan bank)
Publish Year: 1404
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 شهریور 1403
Banks always measure different factors in different ways to improve their performance. There have always been various types of research in the field of increasing and improving the performance of banks. In this paper, by using interpretive structural modelling, we try to examine the evaluated criteria in determining the performance of banks. We have examined eight factors, including employee productivity, deposit amounts and the number of deposits, the amount of granted facilities and the number of granted facilities, satisfaction with electronic banking services, the added value of housing prices, and the percentage of facilities paid for housing construction to predict the performance of Maskan Bank. The proposed method is a qualitative method that uses the opinion of ۳ experts and the mode of experts' answers to the researcher's questionnaire, we are trying to provide a suitable model to determine the effective factors in improving the performance of banks. The results showed that the amount of granted facilities and satisfaction with electronic banking services were at the minimum level and were not affected by other factors. The added value of the housing price and the percentage of facilities paid for construction with the satisfaction of electronic banking services and the amount of granted facilities have a direct and bottom-up relationship, that is, the percentage of facilities paid for construction and the added value of housing prices are influenced by the satisfaction of electronic banking services and the amount of granted facilities. The amount of deposits is directly related to the percentage of granted facilities for construction and the added value of the housing price, that is, the amount of deposits is affected by the percentage of facilities paid for construction and the added value of the housing price. The number of facilities has a direct and bottom-up relationship with the amount of deposits, that is, the number of facilities is affected by the amount of deposits. The number of deposits and employee productivity has a direct and up-down relationship with the number of facilities, that is, the number of deposits and employee productivity is influenced by the number of facilities.
Davoud Ghorbanvatan
Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Ahmadreza Kasraee
Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi
Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
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