Analysis of the Effect of Women’s Perceptions on Improved Cookstoves in Rural Areas of Benin

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 مهر 1403


The introduction of a new improved cookstove called “Guev Cooker” in rural Benin requires an analysis of women's perceptions of current improved cookstoves they use in their household. Qualitative studies are essential to provide insight into the perspectives of cookstove users and to inform research and development of technologies that are both effective in reducing the hours spent on unpaid activities by women. Thus, the analysis of the effect of women's perception of improved cooking stoves in relation to domestic and remunerated activities in rural Benin was the subject of this research. The effect of perception (favorable, unfavorable) of improved cookstoves on use of traditional cookstoves is estimated using a probit regression applied to a sample of ۵۳۱ women randomly selected in five communes of Benin, namely: Adjarra, Avrankou and Dangbo located in the department of Ouémé; Ifangni and Sakété located in the department of Plateau. At the end of analysis of results, as declared favorable perception, there is the saving of time for cooking food (۵۱.۵%) and the saving of time for the collection of fuel (۴۹%) with use of improved stoves. The estimated results showed that the index of unfavorable perception of improved cookstoves has a positive effect on use of traditional cookstoves. On the other hand, the index of favorable perception relating to improved cookstoves has a negative effect on use of traditional cookstoves. Our results emphasize the importance of use of improved cooking stoves in rural areas in Benin.


Judith Urielle Tossou

Economics, University of Abomey-Calavi

Charlemagne Babatoundé Igue

Economics, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin