Cancer Model Simulation in Simulink Environment for Educational Purposes of Cancer Drug Dose Control
Publish place: Journal of Modeling & Simulation in Electrical & Electronics Engineering، Vol: 2، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 مهر 1403
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and the third cause of death in Iran after cardiovascular diseases and driving incidents. Therefore, having models that can describe and explain the process of cancer treatment is vital. One novel method for cancer treatment is to combine chemotherapy and immunotherapy. The purpose of immunotherapy is to enhance the body's immune system and reduce chemotherapy's side effects. Different models have been presented. The significance of the models is to understand the effect of each element on the treatment process. This article concerns the implementation of chemotherapy-immunotherapy cancer treatment in the Simulink toolbox of Matlab. Following the implementation of the model, the impact of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and the combined technique on cancer cell growth is assessed. Simulating with Simulink allows for a graphical explanation as well as the ability to explain the hierarchy and effect of each piece. As a result, it may be advantageous for educational purposes. Simulink Toolboxes such as optimization, signal processing, and system identification allow us to analyze and control the cancer model.
Ali Maleki
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
Matin Kordbacheh
Control Engineering Department, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
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