۱۷۹۸: the Year of Poetic Revolution?

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 مهر 1403


This study concentrates on William Wordsworth and the new insights he injects intoEnglish poetry of his time. This article tries to present Wordsworth’s claims asrevolutionary in English poetry. He makes bold claims and arouses high expectations inhis "Advertisement" and "Preface" to his Lyrical Ballads. In his new and revolutionarytype of poetry, he sets himself against the poetry of his time by advocating for the usageof the common language of common people in poetry and avoiding the superficial andsham language of neo-classical poetry which, in his opinion, is without essence. As aresult, he comes to question the principle of propriety in the Restoration period byoffering to use the simplicity and rustic nature of natural and rural settings instead ofthe urban or polished scenes of neo-classical poets. Finally, it becomes inevitable that hefinds his ideal in nature and tries to present everything natural and original by negatingthe abstract notions of the poetry of the Age of Reason and calls for the filled-withexcitementdescriptions of natural scenes which are in essence powerfully emotional


Behnam Ameri

M.A., English Language and LiteratureShahid Beheshti University