Invincible heroes and evil character in Lord of the Flies and Harry Potter: A Comparative study

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 مهر 1403


In the modern ways of story writing and drama writing, usually invincible characters or endless evils are used by a character and the expression of unbelievable events for more attraction and attraction of the audience. Also, viewers of shows and readers of books, for reasons that have psychological, religious, spiritual and social roots, are interested in following stories with evil characters and invincible forces. In this research, Invincible heroes and evil character are evaluated for two story-tellers, The Flies and Harry Potter, both of which have been presented to the audience in the form of books, as well as visuals, movies, and shows. Therefore, this research aims to compare how novelists deal with invincible heroes (Lord of the Flies) and evil character (Harry Potter). In order to achieve this goal, the method of analysis, description and comparison is used. Lord of the Flies seems to finally show the victory of evil over good. In this story, William Golding with Lord of the Flies intends to remind the audience that humans, with any skin color and from any country, can be dangerous and destructive. In contrast, the main part of Harry Potter's story revolves around Harry's struggle to overcome the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, whose goal is to suppress non-wizards, subjugate the wizarding world, and destroy all who stand against him. Finally, it is clear that story writers have used invincible heroes and evil character in Lord of the Flies and Harry Potter to attract more and send messages to the audience.



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