Extraction of Breakdown Causes at an Iron ConcentrationPlant Using Text Mining (Case study of Chadormalu Minein Yazd, Iran)

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مهر 1403


Nowadays, reducing production line downtime is considered to be an important matter in theapplication, to such an extent that ignoring it can increase operation, maintenance, and repaircosts. On the one hand, timely diagnosis of breakdown and downtime causes in productionlines can reduce operation, maintenance, and repair costs of the company and on the otherhand, it can lead to timely supply and delivery of products to other units. The main purpose ofthis study is the extraction and classification of breakdown causes at the ۵ production lines ofChadormalu Mining and Industrial Complex. This is an applied study in terms of scope and interms of data collection (design), it is descriptive. In this research, all the information regardingbreakdowns in the production lines of Chadormalu Mining and Industrial Complex wascollected, analyzed and classified using the decision tree method which resulted in theextraction of the most important causes of breakdown and downtime in each of the ۵production lines of Chadormalu iron mine between ۲۰۱۲ and ۲۰۱۶ which are as follows in anorder of decreasing importance for each production line; production line no. ۱: ag-mill, mainten-work and finish-mainten; production line no. ۲: ag-mill, mainten-work and finish-mainten;production line no.۳: mill, mainten-work, ag-mill; production line no.۴: mainten-work, bc andmill; finally for production line no.۵ mill, mainten-work and finish-mainten, were the ۳ mostimportant causes in order of decreasing importance.


Text mining , breakdown and downtime causes , production line , Chadormalu Miningand Industrial Complex


Zeinab Noori

Master's degree in international business management, Payam Noor University,Isfahan branch, Khansar, Isfahan, Iran

Morteza RahmaniNikooyi

Master's Degree in Industrial-Production Management, Islamic Azad University,Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran

AliAkbar Saadatmandian

Master's Degree in Industrial-Production Management, Islamic Azad University,Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran