The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Fashion: review

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 مهر 1403


In recent years, the media focus has been firmly on the fashion industry and its devastating impact. With any steps of the clothing life cycle, environmental and occupational hazards are generated, which leads to environmental pollution and climate change requiring the fashion industry necessary changes to drive consumers to reconsider their behaviors toward circular goods and services. Because of the immense quantity of products consumed, manufactured and disposed of, the apparel industry has a large environmental effect on every stage of the product life cycle. Ethical fashion consists of many solutions for consumers' clothing and behaviors that have less deleterious effects on mankind and/or the planet. It has emerged that the fashion industry has the potential to be successfully controlled to contribute to the sustainability of the environment, and this intention can be reached by recycling, wise purchase habits, reduction of by-products and lower energy consumption. Artificial intelligence (AI) has nowadays become an essential part of every industry, for example, RTFS offers a large usage among consumers, enterprises and designers by integrating AI, also it proposes different designs with outstanding styles and measurements by using branded ۳D computer design programs and AI-based apparel design technologies for fashion companies and customers, which is with the advantages of saving time and money. Based on the research, the AI approach to sustainability will influence both users and corporate businesses. This paper explores how AI is being utilized to develop creative strategies for sustainable fashion industry promotion.


Researcher at NAP Educational & Research Academy , Iran



Student at Shariati Technical and Professional College،Iran


Student at Shariati Technical and Professional College،Iran


Researcher at NAP Educational & Research Academy ،Iran