Sweep Optimization to Reduce Aerodynamic Loss in a Transonic Axial Compressor with Upstream Boundary Layer Ingestion
Publish place: Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics، Vol: 17، Issue: 12
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 مهر 1403
The aerodynamic performance of axial compressor rotors is negatively affected by the ingestion of boundary layer fluids upstream. As the boundary layer becomes thicker, the blade tip load increases and the local loss is aggravated, especially under off-design operating conditions. The major objective of this research is to evaluate the potential for novel blade sweep designs that can tolerate the ingested low-momentum boundary layer fluids. An optimization design approach using a surrogate model and genetic algorithm is employed. By altering the blade stacking line, the optimized sweep design is obtained. The flow mechanisms that enable the performance of the compressor rotor to be improved are fully analyzed, and the findings indicate that the aerodynamic advantages primarily stem from two key aspects. First, in the tip region, the blade loads are decreased at various chordwise locations and the interaction of the tip leakage flow with the mainstream is alleviated. As a result, the loss near the tip is reduced. Second, the blade sweep design alters the distribution of shock intensity across the spanwise direction, leading to a decrease in shock wave intensity in the mid-span region. This is beneficial in reducing the shock wave/boundary layer interaction strength at the trailing edge of the blade airfoil. Overall, after the sweep design has been optimized to ingest the upstream boundary layer, the compressor rotor experiences a ۰.۸% improvement in adiabatic efficiency compared with the baseline rotor, while preserving the total pressure ratio and stall margin. Additionally, the redesigned compressor retains the overall performance level under clean inlet conditions. This research provides a potentially effective blade sweep optimization design strategy that allows transonic compressor rotors to tolerate low-momentum upstream boundary layer incoming flows.
Blade sweep , Transonic compressor rotor Aerodynamic loss , Upstream boundary layer ingestion , Optimization design
T. Pan
Research Institute of Aero-Engine, Beihang University, Beijing, ۱۰۰۱۹۱, China
K. Shi
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero-Engine Aero-Thermodynamics, Beihang University, Beijing, ۱۰۰۱۹۱, China
H. Lu
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero-Engine Aero-Thermodynamics, Beihang University, Beijing, ۱۰۰۱۹۱, China
J. Zhang
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, ۱۰۰۱۹۱, China
Q. Li
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, ۱۰۰۱۹۱, China
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