Improving the Stability of Perovskite solar cells by using NiOx instead ofSpiro-OMeTAD in the HTL layer
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 آبان 1403
Perovskite solar cells have long grappled with challenges related to stability, efficiency, andsometimes cost. Researchers are continually seeking optimal materials for different layers of thesecells. Replacing Spiro-OMeTAD with NiOx in the HTL layer significantly impacts both efficiencyand stability. NiOx offers superior chemical and thermal stability, enhancing the long-term durabilityof solar cells. While Spiro-OMeTAD-based cells generally achieve higher initial efficiencies, NiOxbasedcells perform comparably, with only a slight efficiency reduction (typically ۱-۳% lower).However, NiOx-based cells exhibit markedly better stability, often retaining ۲۰-۳۰% more of theirinitial efficiency after prolonged testing under continuous illumination. Thus, adopting NiOx as anHTL material can lead to more durable and robust perovskite solar cells, making it a promisingalternative to Spiro-OMeTAD(۱–۳).
Mehran Hosseinzadeh Dizaj
Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch