Influence of Reaction Temperature on Blocking rates of Isocyanate in BatchReactors

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 14

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 آبان 1403


Isocyanates are the basic components of polyurethanes. They have gathered significant attention inmany industrial fields such as adhesives, paints, resins, and foams. Despite the strength of the bondsthey form, isocyanate molecules are extremely sensitive to moisture and other chemicals. Their rapid,destructive reactions with environmental chemicals can cause defects and decay in the quality of thefinal product. To manage this issue, isocyanates are temporarily blocked with various blockingagents. In this study, the rate of the isocyanate blocking equilibrium reaction was investigated. Therates of the blocking reaction at different temperatures (۵۸, ۰۹, ۰۸, and ۱۹۹۱C) were calculated usingyield data.


B. Zameni

Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malek Ashtar University, Iran

F. Razavi Zadeh

Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malek Ashtar University, Iran

M. Reza Pourhossaini

Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malek Ashtar University, Iran

M. Razavizadeh

Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malek Ashtar University, Iran

M. Khabiri

Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malek Ashtar University, Iran

M Abbasi

Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malek Ashtar University, Iran