Mitigating the effects of cultural practices hindering Maasai girl students’ access to formal education in Tanzania
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 آبان 1403
The study investigated the ways to mitigate the effects of cultural practices hindering Maasai girls’ access to formal education in Tanzania. The study employed collective case study design and sampled fifteen respondents whereby secondary school girls, community education leaders, educated Maasai parents, school board chairperson were crucial participants. The study used snowball technique was used to gather data from knowledgeable Maasai parents while the typical case sample was used to Maasai girl students and school board chairperson. The study collect data through interview, focus group discussion and open-ended questionnaire. Data was analyzed based on the theme emanating from the study objectives. The findings of the study revealed that the negative impacts of cultural practices that contribute to Maasai girls’ failure to access formal education can be mitigated by encouraging positive attitudes and beliefs among community members. This also involves recognizing the value and benefits of educating girls and to empower them to manage the blockages from their community’s culture. Once more, minimization of gender-based violence as well as gender balance practices in education access should become potential benefits. The study recommends that the government, Maasai community, parents as well as Maasai girl students should fight against gender-based violence to liberate girls from cultural practices bondages. The study concludes that there are effects of cultural practices that contribute to girls’ loss of access to formal education. Consequently, it is important for the community to adopt and implement policies that value education for both genders without cultural boundaries.
Mzumbe University
Bryson Kinyaduka
Department of Education and Teaching, Mzumbe University
Neema Jeremiah
Department of Education and Teaching, Mzumbe University
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