Syntheses of cobalt nano particles with alcoholic solvents
Publish place: The first national conference on new technologies in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 825
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 شهریور 1392
We use recoverable materials as cobalt precursors,other materials including: alcoholic solutions ( methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol and glycerol),hydrazine and deionized water. All chemicals used were analytical grade(Merk).In this coprecipitation method, cobalt precursors were dissolved in alcohol,then it were added to aqueous alkali solution that including deionized water, sodium hydroxide and reductive agents(N2H4) at the same time. Themixtures were stirred under mechanical agitation at room temperature.When the hydrogen release was stopped, were collected the gray black powders andwashed them with deionized water and ethanol several times. The final powders were dried at oomtemperature in the air for 24 h. The identification of phases by (XRD) and study of morphology by (SEM) carried out. Cobalt nano particles with mean diameter size of 22 nm are formed.
Bahram Keyvani
Chemistry Department, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, P. O. Bax. ۳۹۱۷۸-۳۶۶, Saveh, Iran
Malihe jalili
Chemistry Department, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, P. O. Bax. ۳۹۱۷۸-۳۶۶, Saveh, Iran.
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