Incorporating socioeconomic and trip behaviour parameters inmodelling trip rates in metropolitan Karachi
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 خرداد 1393
With the rapid urbanization, the need to understand transportation systemplanning has become crucial as it tends to be complex at the outset and directlyaffects a large number of stake holders. The premise for various transportationplanning tools i.e. transport modelling process, estimation of trip rate andParking ratio is based on proper demarcation of the geographical setup intoanalysis zones. It is vital for the appropriateness of the outputs of variousplanning tools needed by these analysis zones need to be defined after a thoroughstudy of different socio-economic attributes and their relationship with the travelbehaviour of the individuals. On the same backdrop, the current study seeks tocarry out analysis of the link between household and individual level socioeconomicattributes with travel behaviour and develop socioeconomic profilesfor the metropolis Karachi.The parameters used for profiling were total number of trips attracted in a day,average travel time, peak trip attracting time, modal split, and mean incomegroup of trip makers. Each of the mentioned parameters was given different sharedepending upon its significance. Hence, a particular score was obtained for eachindividual UC based on particular values of each parameter. This leaded to afocused trip modelling based incorporating socioeconomic and embedding tripbehaviour within the conventional trip rates analysis. Then clustering was doneon the basis of scores. UC’s having similar scores were marked as one zone andwere distinguished from other zones. The pockets having similar activities wereidentified as similar zones. The maps representing different socio economiczones of the city were developed.As a coda this paper caters the novel approach for the estimation of the trip ratesintegrating the travel behaviour with the socio-economic characteristics of theindividual.
Mir Shabbar Alia
Chairman and Professor, Department of Urban and Infrastrucutre Engineering, NED Universityof Engineering and Technology,Karachi - ۷۵۲۷۰, Pakistan
Muhammad Adnan
Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Infrastrucutre Engineering, NED University ofEngineering and Technology,Karachi - ۷۵۲۷۰, Pakistan
Fazal Abbas Baqueric
cResearch Assistant, Department of Urban and Infrastrucutre Engineering, NEDUniversity of Engineering and Technology,Karachi - ۷۵۲۷۰, Pakistan
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