Elasto-Dynamic Response of a Moving Loaded Composite-Sandwich Beam Based on Different Beam Theories

Publish Year: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1393


This paper deals with dynamic response of a simply supported laminated composite sandwich beam under moving force based on different beam theories.. Governing equations are gained using Hamilton's principal. Modal superposition method used to deriving ordinary differential equation of motion in matrix form. Fourth order Runge-Kutta method applied to solving the ODE with time varying coefficients. Effects of beam slenderness ratio as well as core parameters on natural frequency and dynamic magnification factor of the beam investigated. Results shown that slenderness ratio significantly affected the results of the different theories. Also, core parameters pertaining to the beam considerably influenced the responses.



Milad Azvar

Bs Student, Mechanical Engineering department of Tabriz University

Hasan Biglari

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering department of Tabriz University

Milad Nazarzadeh

Ms Student, Mechanical Engineering department of Tabriz University