Strategies for saving aesthetic values in historic fabrics (case study: Jolfa district, Isfahan)

Publish Year: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 978

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 خرداد 1394


Historic fabrics are deserved to be protected and saved because of their different values. One of the most important, also visible, yet not easily knowable values are Aesthetic values; people depend on their artistic intelligence perceive beautiful parts of a fabric, but it is too hard to recognize what aspects make them beautiful. Extracting the aesthetic principles of each fabric would be helpful in the proper and deep diagnosis of the values of them and will help authorities in decision making for new constructions.This will describe the method of extracting aesthetic principles from historic urban fabrics. This will develop through questionnaire filled by residents in a historic fabric in Isfahan-Iran, named Jolfa, and then finding the most effective factors in people aesthetical experience. These factors will be analyzed in some views of fabric and at last it will propose some strategies about the methods of applying the aesthetic principles for preservation of historic fabrics


Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj

Associate Professor , Iran University of Science and Technology , The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Engineering, Tehran,Iran

Farhang Mozafar

Associate Professor , Iran University of Science and Technology , The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Engineering, Tehran,Iran

Reihaneh Sajad

Phd student in Art university of Isfahan, The Faculty of Conservation of Historic Buildings and Sites, Isfahan,Iran & Tutor in Daneshpajoohan Higher Education Institute, Isfahan, Iran

Maryam Taef nia

Master in Conservation of Historic Buildings and Sites & Tutor in Daneshpajoohan Higher Education Institute, Isfahan, Iran