Review Spy crime on the basis of international law with an emphasis on countries diplomatic relations
Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 آبان 1394
Today, Spy crime is a complex process which is done in various fields. Spy crime is current not only between countercurrent countries in terms of political opponents, but also between countries that are friendly and cooperative in the global arena. Evolutions dominating the international society and increase of international relations and connections unavoidably intensify the need of Spy crime activities in such way that Spy crime is known as one of the strategies of governments and in fact, the governments have accepted the existence of informational services and Spy crime activities, in a way that confidential documents of the governments about spies' exchange indicate that Spy Crime has been accepted as a custom in the international laws. Despite the importance of international legal aspects of Spy crime, up until now it hasn't been reviewed from this perspective much. The present research is an attempt to review Spy crime from the perspective of the international laws with emphasizing on the diplomatic relations of the countries
HamidReza BasirJafary
Master of Criminal Law
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