Elements of sustainable architecture in vernacular architecture of Iran and Turkey

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 شهریور 1395


Human societies have learnt to consist peacefully with nature from the beginning of their lives. That is why the architecture as a reflector of the identity of each community, has been considered an element arising from nature. Major developments in technology and globalization after the Industrial Revolution caused a change in the face of organic cities which used to form according the local needs. Gradually with the medals of modern world such as municipal comprehensive plans, Exalted and uncontrolled construction and the creation of new urban land use, unfavorable and irreversible effects occurred in the architectural scale and spatial and physical scale Skeleton of the cities. Due to many problems of modernization of societies, global warming and increase of greenhouse gases, different movements have been formed trying to present an appropriate idea to solve these problems. One the most effective ideas in these issues is about sustainability and its influence on city life. Nowadays, sustainability has become one the most important subjects in the global, national and regional development plans. The main purpose of this article is to redefine and identify sustainability principles in the indigenous architecture of Iran and Turkey, besides it tries to highlight the positive characteristics of such architectures in order to optimize them and their implementation with the principles of modern architecture, to improve the quality of urban architecture.


Amir Haghjou

Phd Student, Department of Landscape Architecture, Atatürk University, Turkey. Members of Board, Department of Art & Architecture Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran,

Nalan Demircioğlu Yıldız

Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Atatürk University, Turkey,